June 22, 2011

Cheap Cheap Cheap

So I should be pulling out my hoover flags right now
because I am pooooor from Vegas.
So I have been attempting to do fun things that are free
or pretty darn close to it.
& I thought I would share:

1. Sewing
2. Folding paper cranes (to make a baby mobile)
3. Surf the web
4. watching the Casey Anthony trial
5. Clean
6. (I haven't done this one yet, but it sounds like fun) start a nature observation journal
7. purge the house of things I don't need or want
8. Deep cleaning
9. Swim at your sister-in-laws
10. Blog to the max
11. (another one I want to try) start writing poetry

1 comment:

  1. a paper crane mobile! brilliant. that's a great idea. i think i even have a form to hang it from in my old origami box. thanks for the idea! happy pregnancy to you! your bump in the yellow dress is adorable.
