March 26, 2012


We are pretty big about Rapunzel over here.
I swear, Daisy knows when its Rapunzel.
Now I know what you're thinking... its the bright colors... its the music...
But when I turn it on and the Disney theme plays she becomes entranced.
& I have put in other movies (and she watches them for a bit) but watches all of Tangled
without making a peep (except at the scary parts)

Today, I put in Tangled for Daisy.
When it was over she screamed until I put it back on again.
I got bored...

I showed my mom
She asked if I was making a quilt.
I am now....
Still a work in progress but fun for little kids...

PS Its huge. its going to make a good quilt or back drop (for a play!)

1 2 3 4... 5 Months Old

The months just seem to be flying by.
I can't believe my little lady is turning into a big girl.
I have been trying for three days to get a good "laundry" picture
You get what you get and you don't throw a fit.



March 23, 2012

Etsy Art

If I could I would spend tons of money buying etsy art.
I can't. Obviously.
But every once in a while I will buy some pictures.

This time I got pictures for Daisy.

So fun & too stinkin' cute

Fun and whimsical

Now, I just need the perfect frames for these!

March 17, 2012

wedding schmedding

Today was a perfect day for a wedding
A little chilly and windy but beautiful none the less.

It was a beautiful Patty's day wedding
It made me super jealous... I want to get married again
(& just steal all their decor and her dress)
Maybe I can convince Franklin to marry me again...
Ha ha I can't sucker the same man twice, especially one that smart.

March 14, 2012

Anniversary Pictures

Our two year anniversary was in February.
But we didn't get around to taking some anniversary pictures till March.
Can you tell who was the star of our anniversary pictures?

Thanks Mandy for sticking with us & taking some pictures of us.

March 9, 2012

Organization 101

Organizing My Life
Part One: Starting Small

Believe it or not I quite enjoy organizing.
But I do have to be in the mood for extreme organizing.
The hard part (for me) is not the organizing but the keeping it organized part.
But I kinda sorta made a vow to myself to organize my life.

My organizing bible is Maria Menounos's The Everygirl's Guide To Life

I have a bajillion books, so of course I have one about organization. 
She talks not only about organizing your house but your time.
But this post is all about starting small.

I feel like everyone has a pen drawer, a pen bag, or something.
Some of these pens I have had since middle school.
So I went through them all and wrote on a pad of paper with each pen to make sure they worked.
Any pens that didn't work I tossed (duh).
I took the working pens and markers and put them in a cheapo walmart tub.

Small victory.

Now this isn't pretty organized but believe me, its better than it was.
For some reason we got into the habit of just throwing the things under the sink.
So I went through it all and tossed all the things we never used.
& I put on the counter all the products I never finished and feel too bad to throw away.

Another small victory.

I think if everyday you just organize something little it will add up to something big.
oh, and you definitely start feeling pretty good about it to.

Photo booth (no makeup series)

Just hanging out with my favorite peep.

March 6, 2012

Wiggle Worm

But seriously, who can sit still when New Girl is on!?