March 26, 2012


We are pretty big about Rapunzel over here.
I swear, Daisy knows when its Rapunzel.
Now I know what you're thinking... its the bright colors... its the music...
But when I turn it on and the Disney theme plays she becomes entranced.
& I have put in other movies (and she watches them for a bit) but watches all of Tangled
without making a peep (except at the scary parts)

Today, I put in Tangled for Daisy.
When it was over she screamed until I put it back on again.
I got bored...

I showed my mom
She asked if I was making a quilt.
I am now....
Still a work in progress but fun for little kids...

PS Its huge. its going to make a good quilt or back drop (for a play!)


  1. Oh giggle giggle. That's funny funny. nice work Somer.

  2. OMG, so stinkin cute! I remember Rhiannon had us watch The Grinch That Stole Christmas for 10 months, everyday, I kid you not..thank God we had a portable DVD back then :)
