July 13, 2011

Delayed Date Night

So here's the story...
My camera has pixels missing from the view screen
and so there are these huge black spots when I take a picture.
The warrantee ends today so I have to post mark it by today
To send it far far far away.
and be without a camera for God only knows how long.
So I went a little picture crazy last night.

my little guys.


Note: Why I have one burrito and Franklin has two will be explained.

Whats not sexy about burritos and strawberry shortcake?
You better believe I was dancing to Frank Sinatra in my not so sexy undies while I prepared this.
Thats marriage.

Ok so tell me if this has happened to you?
You are trying to surprise your significant other..
And you try to prepare everything for when they get home.
and you guesstimate the time.
But then they either come home too early and ruin everything
and catch you in your undies
Or you're sitting around for hours trying to preserve everything
eating half of your meal because you're too hungry to wait.

Yeah that was last night. At least it still looked pretty <3

1 comment:

  1. 1. I always cook dinner in my not so sexy undies
    and 2. I ALWAYS finish dinner way before Scott gets home. And then it gets cold. Lame.
