May 1, 2011

Oh the things you'll learn...

Its kinda like
Oh the places you'll go...
but out of where you go and what you learn 
I think what you learn is more important

So during this whole baby in my womb thing...
I haven't gotten morning sickness
but my stomach is so weak and I gag at everything
gross thoughts, brushing my tongue, gross things.

So yesterday I had a gag attack
on a full stomach
(a chipotle full stomach)
no bueno.
It ended it with me hurling into my hand.

Something about me:
When I ralph I turn into a little girl
crying: check (more like weeping)
helpless: check

Good thing Franklin was there to laugh at me, get me something to clean my hand, yell at me to get in the shower, clean the blanket that was under me, and laugh at me some more.

So I felt gross all day yesterday (ha and it carried over today)

Aren't you glad there are no pictures in this part of the post?

One thing I have learned:
Some times its worth it to buy expensive things.
Explaination: I am a big sale kinda gale. Find the cheap things! why not?
5 dollar shampoo deal. dollar store everything. 

My conversion story:

No, not this one. Not the one where I got all soggy bottomed...

My conversion to the expensive stuff.

So beauty brands had this deal where you get some free testers.
A five dollar each tiny itsy bitsy container....

see itsy bitsy. 
it came with three a shampoo, conditioner, & blow dry lotion (15$)
& they were free so of coarse I tried them
Oh I milked those
those bottles dry for a few months.
& it was awesome.
I was sucked in their trap.
I went back a  week ago and got the behemoth bottle.

I just got the conditioner and the blow dry lotion and I felt like throwing away fetus' college fund.
But Oh it was even better than the testers.
all pepperminty and cool on my head and soft soft soft manageable hair.

It even made me feel better when I had to take a after puke shower.

Now I am shopping at the gap and everything.
(I still check the sale section first)
(& won't buy something if its crazy unreasonable)
(& I still love garage sales, hand me downs, and good will)

The End.

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