What happens when you come home from a long night of work and find this?
and then he tells you to get all dressed up?
my first question was, "Are we going to see bishop?....I'm not going."
Then I ask him..."are you pregnant?"
"I don't think that is possible."
Then I ask "Are you going to die?"
"No, I would send that to you in a text."
He surprised me and said he wanted to do something nice for me.
So he filled up my tank, bought me a diet coke, and some ding-dongs.
we drove for an hour talking about everything.
We came to the other side of town right on the edge of the desert.
Then we went for a nice walk (we kept trying to see the lunar eclipse but it was too darn cloudy)
Then we exchanged Christmas presents.
Over all it was an awesome night :))
My brother is purty cute! Merry Christmas!