August 21, 2010

Your Fox-Lang News for the Day

General Update:
I must be insane... because we are going to move again. I don't know what I was thinking but we will probably save more money being there. I am torn though. I love this house its old and has character it has a nice big kitchen and  a big backyard with fruit everywhere. However, its an old house and half the things don't work. The air conditioning cools the outside more than the inside so our electricity bill is through the roof. There are cockroaches up the kazoo and there is no functioning washer and dryer and there is no dishwasher. Oh and you have the work tooth and nail to get the landlords to do anything. But I suppose its too late I have already committed. Franklin told me to decide (by myself) and that darn Mandy is so convincing!

We move in on October 1, so we still have some time in here and time to get organized and pack. Oh and if anyone wants to help us move that would be great!

Ragnar Update:

In other news, Ragnar is getting bigger and bigger every day. He is incredibly smart. When I am holding the treats he does all of his tricks but when we are outside he forgets everything and doesn't even come to his name. I think he has puppy ADD because I will call him and he will be like, "no, no there is this leaf over here that I have to chew on!"  hmmm. Puppy training. grrr. Any suggestions?

Franklin Update:
Poor Franklin he has been working so hard I should do something nice for him. I wish I could help him or make his life easier. I always tell him Thanks for working so hard, but I want to do something on his day off or something. If you have any ideas tell me!

Somer Update:
I am pretty dorky/nerdy, but it is a good thing. I am been trying really hard to better myself. So my best friend and I made a list each of things we want to do weekly/daily that we want to do and things that we think would better ourselves. Like work out, read, pray/meditate, wear sunscreen daily, smile more, ect. And I have been doing well on it! I keep thinking, "The List!" So I put on my face cream with sunscreen in it and I am been trying to do some sort of exercise every day (even though today I am having a rough time finding motivation). I am kind of excited to move and have a washer, dryer, and a dishwasher  :))

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