October 25, 2013

Happy Friday!

I  excited that it is Friday. Despite the fact that there are no weekends as a stay at home mom. I am going to work on being happy, even when things get crappy. That's all for now!

October 24, 2013


Two years ago today I had my little leading lady. She has grown so much and she is truely a joy. I love her more everyday. 

She has grown so much in the past year!

Daisy at one year old

October 11, 2013

Elijah is one month old.

We'll I was thinking I couldn't be dead beat and not do all the fun stuff with the second that I did with the first. So here it is...

One month:

Since you were a month early, you are in theory only a couple days old. But you have already grown so much.

You've been loosing your hair only in the front. Your a lot more vocal than Daisy was. I am hoping you have your dad's blue-green eyes. You eat all the time. Your big sister loves you a little too much. Thanks for coming early!

Eli- one month old